Welcome to our site. Today is Sunday, a day of rest in the Christian religion.
Therefore, we have chosen not to work today, and our webshop is closed.
Of course, you are warmly welcome again tomorrow.
Have a nice Sunday and best regards, Team Techniek Totaal
Container: 50 ml pen system. Box contents: 12. The ideal solution for design, production and maintenance.. Single-component. Quick-curing. Ready to us...More
Container: 50 ml pen system. Box contents: 12. The ideal solution for ...
Container: 400 ml spray can. Box contents: 12. Technical data: Colour: milky. Scent: almost not scent. Temperature resistance: 0 to +50°C. Durability...More
Container: 57 g. Box contents: 24. Technical data: Nature: epoxy resin aluminium-filled, pasty. Pot life with 25 g at +20°C: 4 min.. Density of mixtu...More
Container: 800 g. Technical data: Nature: epoxy resin mineral-filled. Pot life: at 25 g base quantity and +20°C 30 min.. Density of mixture: 2,00 g/c...More
Container: 800 g. Technical data: Nature: epoxy resin mineral-filled. ...
Container: 400 g. Box contents: 12. Technical data: Nature: epoxy resin mineral-filled. Pot life: at 25 g base quantity and +20°C 30 min.. Density of...More
Container: 115 g. Box contents: 12. Technical data: Nature: epoxy resin titanium-filled, pasty. Pot life with 25 g at +20°C: 30 min.. Density of mixt...More
Container: 400 ml spray. WEICON stainless steel spray is a chemical-, corrosion-, and weather-resistant surface coating based on acrylic resin and sta...More
Container: 400 ml spray. WEICON stainless steel spray is a chemical-, ...
Technical data: Metal-free | NSF approval. The WEICON Anti-Seize High-Tech assembly paste is resistant to high temperatures, has an exceptional releas...More
Technical data: Metal-free | NSF approval. The WEICON Anti-Seize High-...