Welcome to our site. Today is Sunday, a day of rest in the Christian religion.
Therefore, we have chosen not to work today, and our webshop is closed.
Of course, you are warmly welcome again tomorrow.
Have a nice Sunday and best regards, Team Techniek Totaal
Case IH (84392525); Serie Magnum Tier 4: Magnum 235 Tier 4a, Magnum 235 Tier 4a CVT, Magnum 250 Tier 4b CVT/CVX (4/14-), Magnum 250 Tier 4b PST (4/14-), Magnum 260 Tier 4a, Magnum 260 Tier 4a CVT, Magnum 280 Tier 4b CVT/CVX (4/14-), Magnum 280 Tier 4b PST (4/14-), Magnum 290 Tier 4a, Magnum 290 Tier 4a CVT, Magnum 310 Tier 4b CVT/CVX (4/14-), Magnum 310 Tier 4b PST (4/14-), Magnum 315 Tier 4a, Magnum 315 Tier 4a CVT, Magnum 340 Tier 4a, Magnum 340 Tier 4a CVT/CVX, Magnum 340 Tier 4b CVT/CVX (4/14-), Magnum 340 Tier 4b PST (4/14-), Magnum 370 Tier 4a CVT, Magnum 380 Tier 4b CVT (4/14-)