The kneadable universal repair compound
WEICON epoxy resin mastic is pasty (kneadable), mineral-filled, temperature-resistant up to +200ºC, used in a mixing ratio of 1:1, and can be processed mechanically and painted once hardened. It adheres to metal, wood, glass, rubber, ceramic, concrete and most plastics. It is resistant to petrol, oil, esters, salt water and most acids and alkalis.
The product is suitable for sealing pipes and tanks, fixing screws and hooks, repairing castings, refurbishing shafts, plain bearings, pumps and housings, renewing defective threads, creating templates and models, and repairing aluminium, light metal and cast iron.
WEICON epoxy resin mastic can be used in machine construction, toolmaking, model and mould making, and in many other areas of industry.