Welcome to our site. Today is Sunday, a day of rest in the Christian religion.
Therefore, we have chosen not to work today, and our webshop is closed.
Of course, you are warmly welcome again tomorrow.
Have a nice Sunday and best regards, Team Techniek Totaal
John Deere: Motor John Deere, Motor 3125, Motor PowerTech, Motor 3164, Motor 3179, Motor 4202, Motor 4219, Motor 4239, Serie 20: 920, 1020, 1120, 2020, 2120, Serie 30: 830, 930, 1030, 1130, 1630, 1830, 2030, 2130, Serie 40: 840, 940, 1040, 1140, 1640, 1840, 2040, 2040S, 2140, Serie 50: 1350, 1550, 1750, 1850, 1950, 2250, 2450, 2650, 2850, Serie 900: 925, 932, 935, 942, 945, 952, Serie 1000: 1032, 1042, 1052, Serie 2000: 2520