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Mirror black 190 x 140 mm rod Ø 10 / 12 / 13 mm | Techniek Totaal - Techniek Totaal
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GRANIT Mirror black | 190 x 140 mm | rod Ø 10 / 12 / 13 mm - F182800200570
€31,56 €28,54 Incl. VAT
GRANIT Mirror black | 190 x 140 mm | rod Ø 10 / 12 / 13 mm - F182800200570
GRANIT Mirror black | 190 x 140 mm | rod Ø 10 / 12 / 13 mm - F182800200570

GRANIT Mirror black | 190 x 140 mm | rod Ø 10 / 12 / 13 mm - F182800200570

€28,54 Incl. VAT
In stock
€23,59 Excl. VAT

Tractor type: all types with cover, half-cab and cab. Read more.

  • 50.000+ technical products
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  • Rating 4.7/5 (401 reviews)

Product description

Mirror unheated, black, for rod Ø 10, 12, 13 mm

Dimensions (mm): 190 x 140

Tractor type: all types with cover, half-cab and cab.

To fit as:

  • Case IH (511511119, 1130627R1, 1130630R1, 1-34-177-178, 1343984C1, 1344063C1, 1535643C1, 3125426R91, 3141916R91, 3141916R92, 3178198R1, 3224044R1, 47108439, 47111351, 944-205, E36821, E49734, K950922, K954821); Serie 32: 3220, 3230, Serie 42: 4210, 4220, 4230, 4240, Serie 85: 485 XL, 585 XL, 685 XL, 785 XL, 885 XL, Serie A-Familie: 433, 440, 533, 540, 633, 640, 733, 740, 833, 840, 940 (1/90-12/92), Serie B-Familie: 644, 743, 743 XL, 744, 745 S, 745 XL, 844, 844 S, 844 XL, 845, 845 XL, 856 XL, Serie C-Familie: 946, 955, 955 XL, 956, 956 XL, 1046, 1055, 1055 XL, 1056, 1056 XL, Serie CHX: CHX 320, CHX 420, CHX 520, CHX 620, Serie CS: CS 80 (1/06-), CS 90 (1/06-), CS 94 (1/99-1/04), CS 94 (3/96-1/99), CS 100 (1/06-), CS 130 (4/96-4/00), CS 150 (4/96-4/00), Serie CVX: CVX 120, CVX 130, CVX 150 (7/00-5/03), CVX 170, CVX 1135, CVX 1145, CVX 1155, CVX 1170, CVX 1190, CVX 1195, Serie D-Familie: 1246, 1255 XL, 1455 XL
  • Linde (511511119, 0009941007); E, E12-02 (324-02) 06/1999 - 12/2007, E14-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E15-02 (324-02) 06/1999 - 12/2007, E16-02 (324-02) 06/1999 - 12/2007, E16-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E16C-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E16P-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E18C-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E18P-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E20 (336) 05/1994 - 04/1997, E20 (336) 05/1997 - 04/2000, E20-02 (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E20-02/600 (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E20P-02 (335-02) 06/1998 - 02/2007, E25 (336) 05/1994 - 04/1997, E25 (336) 05/1997 - 04/2000, E25 Ex S - Zone 2, 22, 3G, 3D (336-31) 05/2007 ->, E25-02 (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E25-02/600 (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E25-02/Panorama (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E25-03 (336-03) 04/2002 - 09/2011, E25-03 (336-03) 04/2007 ->, E30 (336) 05/1994 - 04/1997, E30 (336) 05/1997 - 04/2000, E30 Ex S - Zone 2, 22, 3G, 3D (336-31) 05/2007 ->, E30-02 (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E30-02/600 (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E30-02/Panorama (336-02) 07/1999 - 09/2011, E30-03 (336-03) 04/2002 - 09/2011, E30-03 (336-03) 04/2007 ->, E35P-02 (337) 11/1995 - 10/2011, E40P-02 (337) 11/1995 - 10/2011, E48P-02 (337) 11/1995 - 10/2011, H, H12 (350-01) 10/1990 - 12/2000, H12 (350-02) 10/1990 - 12/2000, H12 (350-03) 09/1999 - 03/2007, H16 (350-01) 10/1990 - 12/2000, H16 (350-02) 10/1990 - 12/2000, H16 (350-03) 09/1999 - 03/2007, H18 (350-01) 10/1990 - 12/2000, H18 (350-02) 10/1990 - 12/2000, H18 (350-03) 09/1999 - 03/2007, H20 (350-03) 09/1999 - 03/2007, H20 (351-01) 01/1990 - 07/1997, H20 (351-02) 06/1994 - 11/1999, H20 (351-03) 05/1997 - 08/2003, H20 (351-03) 07/1995 - 04/1997, H20D (351-01) 01/1990 - 07/1997, H25 (351-02) 06/1994 - 11/1999, H25 (351-03) 05/1997 - 08/2003, H25 (351-03) 07/1995 - 04/1997, H25 (351-04) 04/2007 - 01/2011, H25 (351-05) 07/2008 ->, H30 (351-01) 01/1990 - 07/1997, H30 (351-02) 06/1994 - 11/1999, H30 (351-03) 05/1997 - 08/2003, H30 (351-03) 07/1995 - 04/1997, H30 (351-04) 04/2007 - 01/2011, H30 (351-05) 07/2008 ->, H35 (351-03) 05/1997 - 08/2003, H35 (351-03) 07/1995 - 04/1997, H35 (352-01) 11/1988 - 12/1999, H35 (352-02) 11/1988 - 12/1999, H35 (352-03) 03/1998 - 03/2001, H35 (352-04) 06/1999 - 05/2001, H35 (352-04) 06/2001 - 07/2004, H40 (352-01) 11/1988 - 12/1999, H40 (352-02) 11/1988 - 12/1999, H40 (352-03) 03/1998 - 03/2001, H40 (352-04) 06/1999 - 05/2001, H40 (352-04) 06/2001 - 07/2004, H45 (352-01) 11/1988 - 12/1999, H45 (352-02) 11/1988 - 12/1999, H45 (352-03) 03/1998 - 03/2001, H45 (352-04) 06/1999 - 05/2001, H45 (352-04) 06/2001 - 07/2004
  • Still (511511119, 0009941022, 0143588, 0999933); R, R07-20 (0731), R07-20D (0730), R07-20H (0733), R07-20H BW (0733), R20, R20-14 (2017-2024), R20-14, R20-15, R20-16, R20-18, R20-20, R20-15 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2014), R20-15 (2017-2024), R20-15i (2015i), R20-15i (2045-2049), R20-16 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2014), R20-16 (2017-2024), R20-16i (2045-2049), R20-18 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2014), R20-18 (2017-2024), R20-18i (2045-2049), R20-20 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2014), R20-20 (2017-2024), R20-20i (2045-2049), R50, R50-10 (5041-5044), R50-12 (5041-5044), R50-15 (5041-5044), R50-16 (5041-5044), R60, R60-16 (6030-6032), R60-16 (6050-6052), R60-16i (6033-6035), R60-16i (6053-6055), R60-18 (6030-6032), R60-18 (6050-6052), R60-18i (6033-6035), R60-18i (6053-6055), R60-20 (6012, 6013), R60-20 (6022-6025), R60-20 compact (6030-6032), R60-20 compact (6050-6052), R60-20i compact (6033-6035), R60-20i compact (6053-6055), R60-22 (6036-6039), R60-22 (6042-6045), R60-25 (6012, 6013), R60-25 (6022-6025), R60-25 (6036-6039), R60-25 (6042-6045), R60-30 (6022-6025), R60-30 (6042-6045), R60-35 (6015, 6016), R60-35 (6026-6029), R60-35 (6046-6049), R60-40 (6015, 6016), R60-40 (6026-6029), R60-40 (6046-6049), R60-45 (6026-6029), R60-45 (6046-6049), R60-50 (6026-6029), R60-50 (6046-6049), R70, R70-16 (7052D, 7056D), R70-16 compact (7074D-7076D), R70-16BW (7074), R70-16CT (7097-7099), R70-16T compact (7077-7079), R70-18 (7052D, 7056D), R70-18 compact (7074D-7076D), R70-18CT (7097-7099), R70-18T compact (7077-7079), R70-20 (7062-7064), R70-20 compact (7074D-7076D), R70-20CT (7097-7099), R70-20i (7065i-7067i ASM), R70-20T (7068-7070), R70-20T compact (7077-7079), R70-25 (7062-7064), R70-25i (7065i-7067i ASM), R70-25T (7068-7070), R70-30 (7062-7064), R70-30i (7065i-7067i ASM), R70-30T (7068-7070), R70-35 (7041-7043), R70-35 (7048-7050 EMR), R70-35T (7084T-7086T), R70-40 (7041-7043), R70-40 (7048-7050 EMR), R70-40T (7084T-7086T), R70-45 (7041-7043), R70-45 (7048-7050 EMR), R70-45T (7084T-7086T), R70-60 (7087-7089), R70-70 (7087-7089), R70-80 (7087-7089), RX20, RX20-14 (6210-6217), RX20-15 (6210-6217), RX20-16 (6210-6217), RX20-18 (6210-6217), RX20-20 (6210-6217), RX50, RX50-10 (5051-5055), RX50-13 (5051-5055), RX50-15 (5051-5055), RX50-16 (5051-5055), RX60, RX60-16 6311, 6313, 6315), RX60-18 (6311, 6313, 6315), RX60-20 (6311, 6313, 6315), RX60-25 (6321-6325), RX60-25 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-25/600 (6321-6325), RX60-25/600 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-25L/600 (6321-6325), RX60-25L/600 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-30 (6321-6325), RX60-30 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-30/600 (6321-6325), RX60-30/600 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-30L/600 (6321-6325), RX60-30L/600 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-35 (6321-6325), RX60-35 (6345-6348, 6353-6356), RX60-40 (6327-6329), RX60-45 (6327-6329), RX60-50 (6327-6329), RX60-50/600 (6327-6329), RX70, RX70-22 (7321-7324, 7329, 7330), RX70-22T (7325-7328), RX70-25 (7321-7324, 7329, 7330), RX70-25T (7325-7328), RX70-30 (7321-7324, 7329, 7330), RX70-30T (7325-7328), RX70-35 (7321-7324, 7329, 7330), RX70-35T (7325-7328), XE, XE-35, XE-40, XE-45, XE-50
  • Steyr (511511119, 84203003); Serie CVT: 6135 CVT (5/03-), 6145 CVT (5/03-), 6155 CVT (5/03-), 6170 CVT (5/03-), 6190 CVT (5/03-), 6195 CVT (3/06-), Serie M 9000: 9080 M, 9090 M, 9100 M
  • New Holland (511511119, 84203003); Serie FX: FX28, FX30, FX38, FX40, FX48, FX50, FX58, FX60, Serie TVT: TVT135, TVT145, TVT155, TVT170, TVT190, TVT195
  • Fendt (511511119, F182800200570); Serie Farmer 100: Farmer 102 (Typ 135), Farmer 106 (Typ 268), Farmer 108 (Typ 278)
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