Radiator antifreeze blue 1.5 litre
Mixing ratio antifreeze:
GRANIT radiator antifreeze is a concentrated radiator antifreeze and must be diluted with clean water before use in the cooling system.
It is used in cooling water systems of combustion engines as well as solar-powered and hot water systems, provided that the materials used are resistant to ethylene glycol-based products according to the manufacturer's specifications.
It prevents frost and corrosion damage in coolant circuits in combustion engines, and cavitation of pump segments. This is achieved thanks to inorganic and organic corrosion inhibitors in the cooling system.
When changing the antifreeze, empty and flush the cooling systems, heating systems and expansion tanks.
Do not exceed the operating time of 2 years, and observe the change intervals recommended by the vehicle or unit manufacturer.
Directions for use:
Version: Antifreeze, year-round protection for radiators against rust and frost. Also suitable for aluminium engines, nitrite-, amine- and phosphate-free.