• The thinly coated rutile rod electrode is suitable for steel constructions of all kinds, and especially for welding work in hard to reach areas and on poorly prepared welds.
• Can be welded in all locations and is ideally suited to vertical down welding.
Thick weld metal, therefore good gap bridging capability. Easy slag removal.
• The arc should be kept at medium length. For vertical down welding the rod electrode must be welded with 10% higher current and with a very short arc.
Standards: EN ISO 2560-A, E 42 0 RC 11, AWS A5.1, E 6013
Base materials:
Structural steels St 34 – St 52
Boiler steels H I – H II, WStE 255
Pipe steels St 35, St 45, St 52, St 34.4, St 35.8, St 45.8
Shipbuilding steels steel A - D
Approvals: TÜV (no. 00975), DB (no. 10.138.01), ABS, BV, DNV