Welcome to our site. Today is Sunday, a day of rest in the Christian religion.
Therefore, we have chosen not to work today, and our webshop is closed.
Of course, you are warmly welcome again tomorrow.
Have a nice Sunday and best regards, Team Techniek Totaal
Lamborghini (.900.0133.3, 0.900.0133.3); Serie R1: R1.30, R1.35, R1.40, R1.45, R1.50, Serie R1 Com3: R1.35 Com3, R1.45 Com3, Serie Runner: Runner 250, Runner 350, Runner 450
Hürlimann (.900.0133.3, 0.900.0133.3); Serie Prince: Prince 30, Prince 35, Prince 40, Prince 45, Prince 50, Prince 325, Prince 325 XV, Prince 435, Prince 435 H.D., Prince 445, Serie Prince Com3: Prince 35 Com3, Prince 45 Com3
Same (.900.0133.3, 0.900.0133.3); Serie Solaris: Solaris 25, Solaris 25 Hydro, Solaris 30, Solaris 35, Solaris 35 H.D., Solaris 40, Solaris 45, Solaris 50, Serie Solaris Tier3: Solaris 35 Tier 3, Solaris 45 Tier 3
Massey Ferguson (.900.0133.3, 0.900.0133.3); Serie 2400: 2405, 2410, 2415